

时间:2023-06-23 08:18:11 | 文章来源:网络平台

谁是世界上最幸福的人双语散文 篇一





[1]They live on a windswept island surrounded by glaciers 『冰川;冰河』and volcanoes『火山』. What makes them so content『满足的;甘心的』?


[2]In a poll『民意调查』of 18 nations, The Gallup Organization discovered that Icelanders are the happiest people alive. All 267,809 of them. Eighty-two percent are satisfied with their personal lives. The United States ranked『位居;名列』fifth at 72 percent; Japan came in seventh with 42 percent.


[3]Some people would say that happy Iceland is a statistical fluke『侥幸』. This is a country so small, an ordinary citizen can make an appointment to see the president.


[4]True, Iceland is no utopia. Icelanders are big boozers 『酒徒』, with a fishing tradition of binge『狂欢作乐』drinking. Almost a third of the births are out of wedlock『私生的』. But that’s what makes the Gallup study so interesting. Icelanders have problems like the rest of us, yet they are happy with their lot『命运;运气』. So what gives?


[5]Consider Thorir Hlynur Thorisson, 28. For his vacation, he spent a month working 16-hour days, seven days a week, as a fishing guide. It was “heaven on earth,” he says. Then after a single night off, he was back at his regular job—on a fishing boat, working six hours on, six hours off, around the clock.


[6]We would call Hlynur a workaholic『工作狂』, but so are most of his compatriots『同胞』. It pays off. With a per-capita gross domestic product of $19,905 (the U.S. figure is $27,541), Icelanders are among the wealthiest people on earth. Their tax dollars buy them excellent education and medical care. Iceland has the lowest infant mortality rate『婴儿死亡率』in the world, and almost the highest longevity『长寿;长命』.


[7]The dour『抑郁的;闷闷不乐的』Swiss have a well-run state and all their material needs met, too, yet no one could accuse them of a cheerful outlook.


[8]Sociologist Thorolfur Thorlindsson of the University of Iceland believes the secret lies not in his country’s comforts, but in its age-old 『长期的;古老的』discomforts. They have taught Icelanders to enjoy what they have.


[9]Isolated『与外界隔绝的;孤立的』in the cold North Atlantic, buffeted『冲击;打击』by a hostile『敌对的;有敌意的』sea, condemned『责备;责怪』to 20 hours of darkness each day in winter, the people have for centuries lived on the vagaries『难以预测的情况』of the fish catch. “Our culture is colored『影响』by the harshness『严酷;艰苦』of nature,” says Thorlindsson. “That’s why Icelanders have a tolerant『宽容;容忍』attitude to the problems of life. They don’t expect the same sort of stability『安定;稳定』often expected in other nations.”


[10]And so it seems. Americans are considerably better off『更为富有/富裕』by material standards than ever before. Yet we seem less happy, less contented with our lot.


[11]Like Icelanders, Americans are individualists『个人主义者』. Where we seem to differ is in our sense of community『群体;团体』. Iceland, known as the land of “fire and ice,” is about living with opposing forces. It is one of the most active volcanic countries on earth, but has 4536 square miles of glacier—heat and cold, co-existing. No surprise them that its society can reconcile『使调和;使并存』another set of opposing forces: individualism and the needs of the community.


[12]Anyone who thinks Americans invented rugged『粗鲁的;粗俗的』individualism has only to visit Iceland. This nation has an ancient『古代的;远古的』 respect for independence. Way back in the tenth century, Iceland was a commonwealth『共和国;联邦』; today Icelanders still place high value on their freedom.


[13]But here’s the paradox『矛盾;似是而非』: this individualism exists with a sense of community. For years I have known an Icelandic family that embraces『包括;接受』a family drunk and an illegitimate『私生的;非法的』child. This family never let them drift, like human flotsam『流浪者;流离失所者』, to be beached『庇护;安顿』at some government institution. “Icelanders have strong systems of support,” says Thorlindsson.


[14]Tolerance is not hollow 『表面的;虚伪的』 phrase in Iceland. The word for “stupid”is heimskur, which roughly means “comes from home” — or as we would say, provincial『乡下气的;偏狭的』or narrow-minded. Icelanders believe only a dolt『笨蛋;傻瓜』is unable to see the other fellow’s position. In this sense, they might find some of what passes for political debate『讨论;辩论』in the United States absolutely heimskur.


[15]Most Icelanders travel out into the world as young adults. They learn that theirs is not the only way of doing things. Yet this doesn’t translate into contempt『蔑视;轻视』for their own land and its history.


[16]The 12th-century Icelandic sagas『英雄传说』, studied at universities the world over, are revered『尊重;崇拜』at home. Turn on the radio and at the top of the charts『节目播出单;节目安排表』is Bubbi Morthens, a troubadour『吟游诗人』.


[17]Last summer in the lava 『火山熔岩』fields of Iceland’s interior 『内地;内陆』, accountant Sigmar Bjornsson pointed out to me a cave where thieves had hidden. He showed me where they stored their weapons, where the villagers attacked, told me how one of the thieves, who had only one leg, walked on his hands to the glacier on the horizon『地平线;水平线』.


[18]“When did they hole up『躲藏;藏匿』here?” I asked.


[19] “About 900 years ago” was the answer. Nearly a millennium『10』, and the myth is still alive『存在;保留』.


[20]How many Americans have that kind of familiarity with their nation’s past, its myths『神话;传说』, its history? How many even care?


[21]I wish America’s multiculturalisms and historical revisionists would grasp『理解;领会』what Icelanders understand: trashing『抛弃;扔掉』your nation’s myths is the wrong way to create a better society. “A nation has to be tolerant of newcomers『新事物』,” say psychiatrist『精神病学家』Niel Micklem. “But if it loses its myths, it loses its center.”


[22]Maybe I’m wrong. But I suspect『猜想;认为』that this loss of “center” is what makes so many Westerners unhappy amid their affluence『丰富;富裕』.


幸福女孩(第七章)作文 篇二






世界上最幸福的事情优秀作文600字 篇三




而我呢,是一个整天生活在父母关爱下成长的一株亭亭玉立的花朵。每当我累了的时候,爸爸那宽厚的肩膀总是我休息的港湾。每当我考砸了,妈妈总是笑嘻嘻的安 慰我,宛如一股清泉流进我的心田。有一次,因为我过马路时没注意后面的'车子,被车撞了照成右腿骨折,而且我的半边脸整个变成了紫萝卜。由于被车撞重了再加 上上害怕,我昏迷过去了。当我迷迷糊糊醒来时,发现自己确躺在了医院洁白的病床上,爸爸妈妈一人抓住我的一只手,伏在床边睡着了,我不知当时几点再加上我 身上的疼痛,不小心扭动了一下,惊醒了爸爸妈妈。妈妈看见我醒来了,激动的说:“宝贝你终于醒来了吓死妈妈了”,说着眼泪就流了下来,我看着妈妈哭了,我 也仍不住掉下了眼泪。



谁是世界上最幸福的人 篇四




[1]They live on a windswept island surrounded by glaciers 『冰川;冰河』and volcanoes『火山』. What makes them so content『满足的;甘心的』?


[2]In a poll『民意调查』of 18 nations, The Gallup Organization discovered that Icelanders are the happiest people alive. All 267,809 of them. Eighty-two percent are satisfied with their personal lives. The United States ranked『位居;名列』fifth at 72 percent; Japan came in seventh with 42 percent.


[3]Some people would say that happy Iceland is a statistical fluke『侥幸』. This is a country so small, an ordinary citizen can make an appointment to see the president.


[4]True, Iceland is no utopia. Icelanders are big boozers 『酒徒』, with a fishing tradition of binge『狂欢作乐』drinking. Almost a third of the births are out of wedlock『私生的』. But that’s what makes the Gallup study so interesting. Icelanders have problems like the rest of us, yet they are happy with their lot『命运;运气』. So what gives?


[5]Consider Thorir Hlynur Thorisson, 28. For his vacation, he spent a month working 16-hour days, seven days a week, as a fishing guide. It was “heaven on earth,” he says. Then after a single night off, he was back at his regular job—on a fishing boat, working six hours on, six hours off, around the clock.


[6]We would call Hlynur a workaholic『工作狂』, but so are most of his compatriots『同胞』. It pays off. With a per-capita gross domestic product of $19,905 (the U.S. figure is $27,541), Icelanders are among the wealthiest people on earth. Their tax dollars buy them excellent education and medical care. Iceland has the lowest infant mortality rate『婴儿死亡率』in the world, and almost the highest longevity『长寿;长命』.


[7]The dour『抑郁的;闷闷不乐的』Swiss have a well-run state and all their material needs met, too, yet no one could accuse them of a cheerful outlook.


[8]Sociologist Thorolfur Thorlindsson of the University of Iceland believes the secret lies not in his country’s comforts, but in its age-old 『长期的;古老的』discomforts. They have taught Icelanders to enjoy what they have.


[9]Isolated『与外界隔绝的;孤立的』in the cold North Atlantic, buffeted『冲击;打击』by a hostile『敌对的;有敌意的』sea, condemned『责备;责怪』to 20 hours of darkness each day in winter, the people have for centuries lived on the vagaries『难以预测的情况』of the fish catch. “Our culture is colored『影响』by the harshness『严酷;艰苦』of nature,” says Thorlindsson. “That’s why Icelanders have a tolerant『宽容;容忍』attitude to the problems of life. They don’t expect the same sort of stability『安定;稳定』often expected in other nations.”


[10]And so it seems. Americans are considerably better off『更为富有/富裕』by material standards than ever before. Yet we seem less happy, less contented with our lot.


[11]Like Icelanders, Americans are individualists『个人主义者』. Where we seem to differ is in our sense of community『群体;团体』. Iceland, known as the land of “fire and ice,” is about living with opposing forces. It is one of the most active volcanic countries on earth, but has 4536 square miles of glacier—heat and cold, co-existing. No surprise them that its society can reconcile『使调和;使并存』another set of opposing forces: individualism and the needs of the community.


[12]Anyone who thinks Americans invented rugged『粗鲁的;粗俗的』individualism has only to visit Iceland. This nation has an ancient『古代的;远古的』 respect for independence. Way back in the tenth century, Iceland was a commonwealth『共和国;联邦』; today Icelanders still place high value on their freedom.


[13]But here’s the paradox『矛盾;似是而非』: this individualism exists with a sense of community. For years I have known an Icelandic family that embraces『包括;接受』a family drunk and an illegitimate『私生的;非法的』child. This family never let them drift, like human flotsam『流浪者;流离失所者』, to be beached『庇护;安顿』at some government institution. “Icelanders have strong systems of support,” says Thorlindsson.


[14]Tolerance is not hollow 『表面的;虚伪的』 phrase in Iceland. The word for “stupid”is heimskur, which roughly means “comes from home” — or as we would say, provincial『乡下气的;偏狭的』or narrow-minded. Icelanders believe only a dolt『笨蛋;傻瓜』is unable to see the other fellow’s position. In this sense, they might find some of what passes for political debate『讨论;辩论』in the United States absolutely heimskur.


[15]Most Icelanders travel out into the world as young adults. They learn that theirs is not the only way of doing things. Yet this doesn’t translate into contempt『蔑视;轻视』for their own land and its history.


[16]The 12th-century Icelandic sagas『英雄传说』, studied at universities the world over, are revered『尊重;崇拜』at home. Turn on the radio and at the top of the charts『节目播出单;节目安排表』is Bubbi Morthens, a troubadour『吟游诗人』.


[17]Last summer in the lava 『火山熔岩』fields of Iceland’s interior 『内地;内陆』, accountant Sigmar Bjornsson pointed out to me a cave where thieves had hidden. He showed me where they stored their weapons, where the villagers attacked, told me how one of the thieves, who had only one leg, walked on his hands to the glacier on the horizon『地平线;水平线』.


[18]“When did they hole up『躲藏;藏匿』here?” I asked.


[19] “About 900 years ago” was the answer. Nearly a millennium『10』, and the myth is still alive『存在;保留』.


[20]How many Americans have that kind of familiarity with their nation’s past, its myths『神话;传说』, its history? How many even care?


[21]I wish America’s multiculturalisms and historical revisionists would grasp『理解;领会』what Icelanders understand: trashing『抛弃;扔掉』your nation’s myths is the wrong way to create a better society. “A nation has to be tolerant of newcomers『新事物』,” say psychiatrist『精神病学家』Niel Micklem. “But if it loses its myths, it loses its center.”


[22]Maybe I’m wrong. But I suspect『猜想;认为』that this loss of “center” is what makes so many Westerners unhappy amid their affluence『丰富;富裕』.


世界上最幸福的签名 篇五


















































世界上最幸福的脚丫子读后感 篇六




读书是世界上最幸福的事作文 篇七



大庆东湖一小五(1)班 潘馨竹





我的卧室就是书的天下,窗台上、书桌上、钢琴上、床头上都堆满了书。妈妈总唠叨:“你的卧室被书堆得太乱了!”或者“看太多的书会使你的近视加重!”所以,她会不定期到我的房间里,把我心爱的书整理走。我会阻止她说“: 妈妈,不要拿走那些书,每本书都有它自己的位置。科幻小说和外国小说在钢琴上,校园小说和作文书在窗台上,工具书在书桌上,我的'最爱在床头上……这不叫乱,这叫错落有致。”妈妈拗不过我,只好无奈地离开我的“书屋”,每每这时我都像打了胜仗一样高兴,躺在床上幸福地看着我的“书屋”。

可是,有时候妈妈趁我不在家时,就会把我心爱的书藏起来一部分,这让我非常苦恼。(小学生作文 )不过一次偶然的机会,我在《意林》里学到了对策。那天我看《意林》的一篇文章,述说一位胖叔叔他特别爱吃甜食,他的妻子希望他减肥,总是不让他吃甜食。他就把买来的甜食藏起来,在衣柜的角落里放各种糖果,在书柜里放了三明治,在茶叶盒中放了巧克力……他走到哪里总能吃到好吃的零食,她的妻子真是防不胜防啊!这可给了我最好的启发。现在,我坐在方厅的沙发上,探手从饼干盒下拿出《简爱》,在我的钢琴罩里抽出我的《闪着泪光的决定》,我的小床上可干净了,看不到一本书,它们都藏在我的玩具熊屁股底下啦!哈哈哈……我又可以随时随地的看书了。




世界上最浪漫的英语句子有哪些 篇八

1.You're not afraid to try again, you're just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason 你不是害怕再次尝试,你只是害怕为同一个原因再受伤害。

2.It’s easy to be thankful for the good things, while a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks——对美好的事物感恩很容易。然而,精彩的人生属于那些对挫折也心存感激的人。

3.You do not need a crystal ball Knowing what steps to take makes life boring Take life one day at a time Enjoy the surprises life throws at you 你不需要水晶球。清楚下一步会发生什么的生活是很乏味的。一天天过。享受生活给你的惊喜。

4.You may doubt others, but never yourself 你可怀疑任何人,但绝不要怀疑你自己。

5.I never wanted to be your whole life Just your favorite part 我从来就没想过要成为你的全部。我只想做你最喜爱的那一个部分。

6.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生

7.If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes如果你想幸福,那么就设定一个目标,让它来指导你的思想,释放你的能量,启发你的灵感和希望。

8.Giving up is not because I failed but because I understand 放弃,不是因为我输了, 而是因为我懂了。

9.Don't let little stupid things break your happiness 别让那些琐碎的蠢事破坏了你的好心情。

10.Sooner or later, all want to give up, and now it doesn't make any sense to insist on 早晚都要放弃的,那现在的坚持就没有意义了。

11.Glad to go to you, I'm sorry can't walk into your heart 很庆幸可以走到你身边,很遗憾没能走进你心里。

12.Sometimes we're forced in directions till we ought to find our sounds 有时候,我们被迫走选择的路,直到我们发现应该倾听自己内心的声音。

13.Look at the stars in the sky,that's all my wishes especiallly for you你看到夜空中的星星了么 那都是专属于你 我的祝福啊。

14.We are like dominoes I am to you, but you have to others 我们就像多米诺骨牌。我倒向你,你却倒向别人。

15.I might look like a tough chick and I amBut I'm also a hopeless romantic inside我外表看起来是如此强悍,可我内心是无可救药的浪漫。

16.I want to refresh my mind, delete all my problems, undo all my mistakes, and save all the happy moments 我想刷新自己的思维,删除自己的毛病,撤销犯下的错误,保存所有欢乐的时光

17.I miss you I miss you I miss you Even if let me say this one thousand times,I will never get tired of it 我想你 我想你 我想你呀 即使让我说一千遍我也永远不会厌倦。

18.Pureness is not an attitude, it is one kind of satisfaction 单纯不是什么态度,而是一种满足感。

19.In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream andan unforgettable love 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。

20.Can't find the right person, actually is likely to be, don't change wrong yourself 找不到对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。

21.I got a lot of reasons to give up , but I still chose to stay You had a lot of reasons to stay, but you chose to give up 我有许多理由放弃你,但我选择了留下;而你有一大堆理由留下,却选择了放弃我。

22.I never thought that I'd think about you every day since I met you我从没想到见过你以后我会这样每天想着你。

23.Unconditional love is loving without expecting无条件的爱,就是不带任何期待地,去爱。

24.Love people who treat you well, and forget people who don't cherish you 去爱那些对你好的人,忘掉那些不知珍惜你的人。

25.I can't promise to smile always, because life always has a way to make me cry我没办法承诺永远开心,因为生活总有办法让我哭。

26.I miss youI like youI love youI need youI want youI am tired of youI have forgotten you我想你。我喜欢你。我爱你。我需要你。我想要你。我厌倦你了。我已经忘掉你了。

27.You know those nights when you cannot sleep Well maybe you’re awake in someone else’s dream那些辗转反侧的夜晚,在某人的梦中,或许有着你未演完的情节。

28.Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life不要延迟任何可以给你的生活带来欢笑与快乐的事情。

29.First i need your hand ,then forever can begin 我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

30.I know, everything is my fault, is I abused you feel 我知道,一切都是我的错,是我乎虐了你的感受。

31.In are the eye tears, what pain dazzling?(眼里的泪光,是什么痛的刺眼?)

of my biggest fears is watching the person I love, love someone else我最害怕的一件事情是,看着我心爱的人爱上另外一个人。

33.Life always has many things to bring you down But, what can really bring you down is your attitude 人生中会有很多事情把我们击败,但真正打垮我们的其实是我们自己的态度。

34.Everything changes, Time Changes, People changes, Love changes However, it doesn't matter, because “You are the reason I am!" 任何事都在变,时间在变,人在变,爱在变,但是没关系,因为,你就是我存在的唯一理由。——《美丽心灵》

35.Fallen into the trap,for you are toogreedy,it's not because of others' cunning会上当,不是因为别人太狡猾,而是因为自己太贪

36.Don't trust those people who appear to be happy all the time 别相信那些看起来总是很开心的人。

37.don’t be discouraged; it’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock 别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。

38.When I'm getting more polite to you,maybe we're getting strangers 当我对你越来越礼貌时,我们或许就越来越陌生了。

39.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

40.If you still love me, won't easily say goodbye 要是你还爱着我的话,就不会轻易的说再见了吧。

41.梦里的我们还是旧时的模样有着最美好的时光 Old dream we had the best time of appearance

42.am in the grip of madness。 我如痴如狂。


44.就算我卑微,也有资格沉醉。Even if I am humble, also drunk

45.I will not crave world stop turning I know escape at all to no avail我不会奢求世界停止转动,我知道逃避一点都没有用。

pretend do not love you 假装不爱你

47.Softhearted is sick, but you are life 心软是病,可你是命

48.Stop saying “I wish”, start saying “I will”。别再说“我希望”,开始说“我将要。

49.Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it 【若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。】

50.You are my Achilles heel [ 你是我无法抗拒的弱点。]

英语作文:世界上最重要的东西是什么 篇九


In my opinion,the most important thing in the world is TIME.However long one may live,his life consists of a certain number of years,and a year has only12months,a month30days and one you waste one hour,you can not get it back no matter how much you would pay for it.

Even though you are the richest person in the world,you can not afford to waste your time,because it means that you are wasting your life.Even though you are the most powerful person in the world,one hour has60minutes for you just as for everyone else who struggles at the bottom of the society.

Some people think that the most important thing in the world is money.In their opinion,if you have enough money,you will have everything you want.I would like to ask them a simple question:Can you buy time?

The only thing with which we can win more time is efficiency.If you work with high efficiency,you can do more in a certain period of time than other people.

初二英语作文:世界上最幸福的女孩 篇十

David Beckham perhaps is the most handsome and famous male athlete in the world, his wife Victoria is also very popular around the world, they are the beloved couple for the public. This couple has three boys, two year ago, they finally got their first daughter. People keep their eyes on the star family, they love to see their news, when the girl came to the family, not only David and Victoria were happy, but also the public, they love to see this cute girl, they call her the most happiest girl in the this world. This little girl has the handsome father and beautiful mother, what’s more, she also has three brothers, her destiny means to be perfect.


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